New Privacy Guarantor: GDPR, pandemic, technology

New College Guarantor Privacy: Guido Scorza, Ginevra Cerrina Feroni, Pasquale Stanzione, Agostino Ghiglia
With Stanzione begins a new understanding for an Authority of great importance for the years to come, since it is active on prospects of absolute importance in this phase of redefinition of many institutional, technological, social and interaction balances between these entities.
Pasquale Stanzione, between privacy and technology
The editorial staff of Diritto Mercato Tecnologia collected its first words on the occasion of the inauguration, a moment in which the new President wanted above all to highlight how important it is was the work of the Guarantor durant and a delicate period like the one just passed:The Guarantor is, in fact, an Authority called directly by the Nice Charter to ensure the protection of a fundamental right, which is acquiring growing importance in a context of progressive delegation , technology, increasingly significant components of sovereignty and the emergence of new forms of vulnerability from which individuals and the community must be protected. Faced with the emergence of ever more incisive "private" powers, the right to self-determination is one of the most important safeguards not only to protect identity, equality, dignity but also a prerequisite for keeping the same democratic guarantees .
Stanzione seems to want to go straight to the point, and from the very first words touch a raw nerve which will inevitably focusing its mandate. Starting from today, days that seem to be infused with that fake calm that you can experience only in the eye of the storm, the first to return to the storm:
If a pandemic has been an important test in many respects, to the privacy it was even more. On this ground it is, in fact, revived the conflict, with roots in ancient times, between the person and the State, freedom and authority, pursuant to and emergency forms, however, made the all-new and more complex by the rapid emergence, in terms of this relationship, the power calculation.
The interview ends with a manifesto of what will be the job of the Guarantor from today:
The advent of new technologies has marked a real anthropological revolution, but also social, cultural, political, and economic. As compared to every phenomenon “disruptive”, the risk to avoid is that of an eternal pursuit, on the part of the right, a technique almost unattainable to depth and speed of evolution. The key to government innovation is, instead, precisely that flexibility and foresight are guaranteed by the principle of technological neutrality that underpins the Gdpr, with the prevalence of the principles on the rules allows a continuous adaptation to the material to be adjusted. So – to paraphrase the title of a famous book by Stefano Rodotà – life is made compatible with the rule, and the constant dialogue between the two is the precondition for a harmonious relationship between the person, democracy and the digital. The approach is anthropocentric to the technique, which is based on the Gdpr, shared by the Europe of important issues (the artificial intelligence in the first place), is the essential factor to ensure that the relationship between innovation and privacy, it declines in terms of synergy and not conflict. This is one of the main challenges with which the supervisor will be measured in the coming years, in the awareness of the importance, first of all, in democratic terms, of the right whose care is entrusted to them.
Source: Privacy Guarantor