Mobile telephony, the best offers for operator change

Updated in August 2020
For this month we report only the downward adjustment by Ho. Mobile tariff for those who ask for a new number or come from Poste Mobile, Daily Telecom or Digi Mobil, whose price goes from 9.99 to 8.99 euros per month. We have also added the tariffs for Very Mobile, another virtual operator based on Wind Tre networks.Mobile phone offers for operator change
The reasons for not being satisfied with your mobile tariff may to be very many: we could have one that is out of date and no longer in step with the times, too expensive for what it offers or simply less competitive than certain operator attack offers from other competing operators. Whatever the reason for your discontent, changing and improving is your right, but finding your way around the ever-changing sea of telephone rates could be difficult and confusing for some. That's why we decided to select the 10 best telephone rates in August, among those prepared especially for those who want to change operators.Iliad
Giga 50
L Iliad offer costs € 7.99 per month, with free activation fees, even if you need to buy a new SIM for € 9.99.The package includes:
Unlimited minutes to all national fixed and mobile numbers Unlimited SMS 50 GB of traffic in 4G LTE to surf the Internet The price also includes Visual answering machine, Call me back, Connection fee, Rate plan, Hotspot, Residual credit check, Deactivation of surcharge services, Show number of calls, Consumption control, Call waiting if busy number, Block hidden numbers, Speed calls, Filter calls and SMS and Forward to voicemail abroad.
»Activate Iliad Giga 50
Wind Three
Junior Easy Pay
rate has a price of 6.99 euros per month with subscription online and pickup in a store at the choice of the user. The activation cost is equal to 6.99 euro. If the contract is terminated before 24 months will be charged the remaining cost of 49,99 euro. To these must be added 10 euro for the SIM.unlimited Minutes to Wind Three 100 minute to all other numbers in fixed and mobile national 60 GB of data traffic " Active Wind Three Junior Easy Pay
Junior+ Easy Pay
The monthly cost of Junior+ Easy Pay 8,99 euro / month with a subscription online and pickup in a store at the choice of the user. The activation cost is equal to 6.99 euro. If the contract is terminated before 24 months will be charged the remaining cost of 49,99 euro. To these must be added 10 euro for the SIM. With respect to the Junior version, Junior+ also offers 200 SMS per month and unlimited calls evrso all fixed and mobile numbers national.unlimited Minutes to all fixed and mobile numbers, national 200 SMS 60 GB of data traffic " Active Wind Three Junior+ Easy Pay
Student Easy Pay
This offer Wind , exclusive of those under the age of 21 years (up to the day before the age of 21 years) at a cost of £ 9.99 per month . The cost of the SIM is 10 euro, while the activation cost is equal to 6.99 euro. If the contract is terminated before 24 months will be charged the remaining cost of 49,99 euro.unlimited Minutes to all fixed and mobile numbers, national SMS unlimited 80 GB of data traffic per browse the Internet " Active Wind Three Student Easy Pay
Young Edu Summer Edition Easy Pay
The offer Wind Three Young Edu Summer Edition, Easy Pay has a cost of £ 9.99 per month and is restricted to those with a maximum age of 30 years (until the day before the age of 31 years).unlimited Minutes to all fixed and mobile numbers, national SMS unlimited 80 GB of data traffic per browse the Internet " Active Wind Three Young Edu Summer edition Easy Pay
Senior Easy Pay
This offer Wind , exclusive of those who are over the age of 60 years, at a cost of £ 9.99 per month . The cost of the SIM is 10 euro, while the activation is in the promotion to 6.99 euros instead of 49,99 euros if the contract is terminated before 24 months.unlimited Minutes to all fixed and mobile numbers, national 200 SMS 6 GB data traffic per browse the Internet " Active Wind Three Senior Easy Pay
The mobile offer of Kena is the establishment at a cost of 5,99 euro per month, for those arriving from the Iliad, Poste Mobile and other MVNOS , with the difference that the GB in the bundle are 70 per month, 13,99 euros per month for all (with 70 GB of data traffic), or 7.99 euros per month and 50 GB of data traffic for those coming from the I, Coop Voce Fastweb and Tiscali, and, finally, 11,99 € / month, 100 GB of monthly data traffic, for those who activate a new number .unlimited Minutes SMS unlimited 50 GB of traffic in 4G to surf the Internet (70 GB for the rates to 5,99 and 13,99 euros, 100 GB for 11,99) "Active Kena 5,99 (from the Iliad, Poste Mobile, and other MVNO's)
" Active Kena 7,99 (from I Mobile, Coop Voce Fastweb and Tiscali)
" Active Kena 13,99 (for all)
" Active Kena 11,99 (for new numbers)
I have. mobile
The formula chosen from I. mobile is similar to that just seen for Kena, with a cost of SIM and activation of 9,99 euro. Also the scheme is similar, with different prices depending on the origin of the customer. Who comes from the Iliad and other virtual mobile operators pay, in fact, 5,99 euro / month , while those coming from the Kena or Daily Telecom will pay 8,99 euro per month . For all other finally, the cost is 12.99 euro per month . On each of the three pages in any case, you can see a full list of operators provided.unlimited Minutes SMS unlimited 50 GB of traffic in 4G to surf the Internet (70 GB for those who subscribe to the tariff from 5,99 euro per month, 100 GB for the offer only data from 12,99 euros per month) " Active I. mobile 5,99 (from the Iliad and other MVNO's)
" the Active I. mobile 8,99 (Poste Mobile, Daily Telecom, Digi Mobil, and new numbers)
" the Active I. mobile 12,99 (from non-virtual)
" the Active I. mobile 12,99 (100 GB only traffic data)
Spusu is a new virtual operator in the low-cost, who has recently made his debut on the Italian market and uses the network of Wind 3 . Three rates: the Sun, the Sea, and L-a. the first has a cost of 7,90 euro per month and offers 500 minutes of calls, 100 text messages per month and 10 GB of data traffic, subject to the other 20 GB . The sea has a cost of 9.90 euros per month, with 1000 minutes of calls, 200 text messages per month, 15 GB of data traffic, and reserve the other 30 GB . L-a then has a cost of 13,90 euros per month, with 2000 minutes of calls, 500 SMS and 50 GB of data traffic, to which you add 100 GB of reserve . The latter is also in the promotional offer, at a price of 9.90 euros per month . The rates do not have activation fees, but are required 9,90 € for the shipping of the SIM .500, 1000 or 2000 minutes 10, 15, or 50 GB 100, 200 or 500 SMS 20, 30, or 100 GB of reserve "Active Spusu Sun
" Active Spusu the Sea
" Active Spusu L-a
Very Mobile
Very Mobile is a new entrant in the low cost virtual, which sits on the network Wind Three, and offers attractive rates. The proposals all six of them, two are dedicated to our customers Iliad , Poste Mobile , COOPVoce , Fastweb and other, the two intended to those who ask for new numbers and the other two addressed to those coming from TIM, Vodafone, Kena, and others. All six offer minutes and unlimited SMS and, respectively, 30, or 100 GB of data traffic, but they vary in price: the first two cost respectively 4,99 and 6,99 euro per month, the second pair 4,99 and 7,99 euros per month and the third pair finally 11,99 and 13,99 euros per month.unlimited Minutes unlimited SMS 30, or 100 GB of traffic in 4G to browse the Internet) "Active, Very Mobile 30 GB for customers Iliad, Poste Mobile, CoopVoce and Fastweb
" the Active Very Mobile 100 GB for customers Iliad, Poste Mobile, CoopVoce and Fastweb
"the Active Very Mobile 30 GB for new numbers
" the Active Very Mobile 100 GB for new numbers
"the Active Very Mobile 30 GB for customers TIM, Vodafone, Kena and other
" the Active Very Mobile 100 GB for customers TIM, Vodafone, Kena and other