Microsoft Flight Simulator, a skyscraper that looks like City17 from Half-Life 2 dominates Melbourne thanks to a bug

Flying near Melbourne, Australia, Microsoft Flight Simulator players stumbled upon a very tall and very narrow 212-story skyscraper that resembles Half-Life 2's City 17 Citadel. Of course this is not a real building and going over there in reality you will not find anything like it. Why is it there in the game then?

The answer is actually very simple: this is a bug. More precisely than a typo. About a year ago, someone in OpenStreetMap tagged a regular two-story building as 212-story. The AI ​​system used by Asobo Studio to create the world of Microsoft Flight Simulator read that data and drew the necessary consequences, erecting this immense tower, which if it really existed would be the tallest building on the planet.

However the "bug" is liked so much by the players that someone, the youtuber Conor O'Kane, also wanted to land on the tower, not without some difficulty, discovering that it gives there you can enjoy a breathtaking landscape. Find the video at the bottom of the news.

For more information on the game, please read our review of Microsoft Flight Simulator. In Microsoft Flight Simulator a bizarrely eldritch, impossibly narrow skyscraper pierces the skies of Melbourne's North like a suburban Australian version of Half-Life 2's Citadel, and I am -all for it-

- Alexander Muscat (@alexandermuscat) August 19, 2020 Source

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