Marvel's Avengers, the reasons behind the Spider-Man exclusive on PlayStation

Marvel's Avengers, the reasons behind the Spider-Man exclusive on PlayStation
It has been announced, outside the conventional space set up by Sony with the State of Play, that Spider-Man will be available in Marvel's Avengers as a PlayStation exclusive, from 2021. At the release of the game, therefore, scheduled for September of this' year, in a little less than a month, we will not have the opportunity to launch with our webs alongside the Avengers, but it will only be possible to do so thanks to a free update that will arrive for owners of PlayStation 4 and</a> PlayStation 5 in the coming months. br>
The news itself has inevitably unleashed the wrath of all PC and Xbox players, who will find themselves in front of a full-fledged game lacking a character that will be added at a later time only for one determined audience of gamers. A choice certainly questionable, that of Sony, at least in the eyes of users, but that we feel we can explain and justify, to underline how the Japanese company can in effect benefit from the Spider-Man brand without having to worry about competition fights. or to remove a specific content from a direct competitor.

An agreement that dates back to 1999

In order to reconstruct the whole affair we have to take a few steps back, going to recover that agreement that exists between Marvel and Sony for the exploitation of the character of Spider-Man, a bureaucratic aspect that has recently returned to emerge thanks to the diatribe that would have wanted the cancellation of the new course of Peter Parker with Tom Holland to give life to our friendly spider neighborhood.

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