Lucifer, fifth season: review of the first eight episodes
Better to reign in Hell, than serve in Heaven, argued John Milton. Phrase that the English poet attributed to none other than Lucifer himself, but whose veracity is questioned by Lucifer, the Netflix series which has recently reached its fifth season. Do not be misled by the literary quotation, although the Prince of the Underworld is the protagonist, we do not rely on the Miltonian vision, but on the comics one published by DC Comics in the regretted Vertigo label.
Born as a spin off of Sandman , the cult comic by Neil Gaiman, the comic by Mike Carey became the inspiration for Tom Kapinos to create Lucifer. A series with a complex life, born in 2016 and broadcast by Fox, passed through Netflix, when, at the end of the third season, the adventures of the devil on earth seemed destined to end. Despite dealing with an exciting character like Lucifer, the first episodes broadcast by Fox seemed not to fully grasp the potential of the series. Despite a promising opening.
Born as a spin off of Sandman , the cult comic by Neil Gaiman, the comic by Mike Carey became the inspiration for Tom Kapinos to create Lucifer. A series with a complex life, born in 2016 and broadcast by Fox, passed through Netflix, when, at the end of the third season, the adventures of the devil on earth seemed destined to end. Despite dealing with an exciting character like Lucifer, the first episodes broadcast by Fox seemed not to fully grasp the potential of the series. Despite a promising opening.