IVIPRO Days, the event is back to use video games as a promotional tool

Guests of the event Wojciech Setlak, writer and narrative designer of This War of Mine, a survival game by 11 bit studios based on the siege of Sarajevo. The game is used as a teaching aid in Norway and has recently been included in the school curriculum in Poland.
Game urbanist and designer Konstantinos Dimopoulos will focus on virtual cities, on how to create immersive and credible digital scenarios. The composer and musician Marta Ascari will instead tell what it means to make music for audiovisual works linked to the territory. Folklore and local traditions will be at the center of Guillermo Vizcaino (Lienzo) lecture dedicated to Mulaka, an adventure inspired by the culture of the Tarahumara, an ancient Mexican population.
Space also for museums with Prisme7, a video game published by the Center Pompidou in Paris: guests are the authors Olivier Mauco and Abdel Bounane.
During the four days some interviews made specifically for the event. That to Simona Maiorano, indie developer who together with Firtina Ozbalikci is making Leaves, a video game set in Puglia, on the Gargano, inspired by the ergodic literature and the flow of consciousness of Virginia Woolf. The one to Valentina Paggiarin and Giacomo Talamini (Hive Division): a retrospective on the famous Metal Gear Solid project: Philanthropy and on the strong link with the territories of Veneto and Trentino-Alto Adige during the shooting.