Huawei Developer Conference 2020, 10-12 September

Huawei Developer Conference 2020 (Together)
The opening on the morning of 10/09 with a keynote in which the most important news will most likely be anticipated and then deepened in a series of dedicated sessions. The program is rich and touches on topics ranging from e-commerce to innovation in general, from privacy to artificial intelligence without forgetting virtual and augmented reality, healthcare, security and more. The press release arrived in the editorial office also explicitly refers to the “presentation of new products”.Get ready for the Huawei Developer Conference 2020 (Together). We will share the latest news on HMS Core 5.0, we will give updates on HarmonyOS and EMUI 11, we will reveal new exciting technologies.
As you can learn from the description focus also on HMS Core and on the HarmonyOS platform, increasingly central to the business of the group. It will be a live event, broadcast live all over the world. For more information and to include appointments with individual sessions on the agenda, please consult the official website of HDC 2020 (link at the end of the article).
Source: Huawei