How to get infinite money on Pokémon Sword and Shield!

If you think G-Max Meowth is the solution, you are wrong!
With the release of the DLC “The Island Solitaria dell'Armatura ”it is indeed possible to earn money much faster and above all SIMPLE!
IMPORTANT: for this method it is necessary to complete the second test of the dojo because we need the CramoBot device
But no more chatter, let's find out how get easy money!
Step 1: Buy Berries
First you need to go to the front of the Dojo and talk to the NPC in front of it and buy 999x of Berries! (Make sure you have at least 80,000 Pokémon Dollars)Step 2: Give the Berries to CramoBot
After purchasing the Berries, enter the Dojo and head to the right from the CramoBot and combine 4 Berries.Phase 3: Press spasmodically A
Collect the DT that will give you the CramoBot, which will be the DT88 Marchiafuoco and repeat the process!You can safely start your TV series favorite, because you just have to press A repeatedly!
Phase 4: Sell!
Run out of the Berries to be given to our CramoBot, go to the nearest Market and sell the newly created DTs.The Firebrand DT88 sells for 3,000 Pokémon Dollars.
Thanks to this method we will be able to farm 120,000 Pokémon Dollars in about eight minutes!
And that's all from Baroja, if you liked the guide, continue to follow us, leaving like on CS Italia's social networks and following my Twitch channel!
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Last modified: August 31, 2020