Going Medieval, tested from the closed beta

Graphics and interface Accessible but complex and ambitious Certainties and doubts The longing for historical atmospheres has guided us to the closed beta of Going Medieval, an interesting management software that draws something from the first Strongholds, winks at old Castles, takes quite a bit from Rimworld and promises the freedom of building in three dimensions of a Minecraft. Complex then, but designed to be accessible thanks to an intuitive interface and a few commands that allow us to influence a world made up of tons of variables, skills and percentages that determine the ability of the population to build, dig, hunt, collect, cook and survive.Graphics and interface
Coming in the near future in Early Access and destined to stay there for at least a year, Going Medieval welcomes us with a slender background that pushes us back in time , until 1352, in the midst of a plague-ravaged England. A real disaster which, however, has left the few survivors a once again immaculate Albion, a new earthly paradise full of dangers but also of prospects and charm.The graphic engine, mind you, does not aim to surprise. Designed to allow players to create entire societies, including complex settlements and wars, it is spartan and minimal. But it does not completely neglect the artistic aspect thanks to the lively palette, the well thought out lighting and a meticulous stylization work that contributes to a glance as modest as it is welcoming. Of course, we are still talking about a few textures, in some cases almost non-existent, and models with a reduced polygonal count, but we are also talking about small bricks, in any case treated as in the case of the leaves of trees that fall in autumn, which are destined to get confused, via as the settlement grows, among the brushstrokes of a larger painting.