Final Fantasy 7 Remake, sales of 5 million copies: Square Enix thanks

The excellent performance of the game was in the air since since its debut, if we consider that Final Fantasy 7 Remake has sold over 3.5 million copies in three days since its release on April 10th.
"We would like to share a huge thank you to all the people who supported Final Fantasy VII Remake, "says the publisher's post on Twitter.
" We have distributed and sold over five million copies worldwide. This result makes Final Fantasy 7 Remake the best-selling digital title of always on the PlayStation platform in the history of Square Enix! "
We'd like to share a Midgar-sized THANK YOU to everyone who has supported #FinalFantasy VII Remake.
We shipped and digitally sold over five million copies worldwide, wh ich has made # FF7R the highest selling digital release on the PlayStation platform in #SquareEnix history!
- FINAL FANTASY VII REMAKE (@finalfantasyvii) August 7, 2020 Source