Everything you don't know about The Lord of the Rings

The Lord of the Rings: a Ring to bring them all together
If the basic plot of The Lord of the Rings is now known to everyone thanks to the three films La Fellowship of the Ring, The Two Towers and The Return of the King, it is also true that this is one of the few cases in which even genesis and behind the scenes are well known. Unusual, but in this case almost physiological: the production of The Lord of the Rings lasted for so long and involved so many people (technicians, cast, artists, artisans, set designers, special effects and visual effects) that it was impossible to keep it confined behind the scenes. There are many working films, interviews and backstages, invariably included as special content in each home-video edition of the trilogy.The inventions have been many and multifaceted, and many of these come from the vision of Middle-earth imagined by the illustrator Alan Lee, then created in reality often with incredible foresight, at least considering the cinematic timing. The city of Hobbiville was in fact built a year before starting to turn, on purpose to give the impression that it had been inhabited for centuries.