Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, Kickstarter campaign closed with huge success for the "new Suikoden"

The Kickstarter campaign for Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes started a month ago with the aim of raising at least $ 500,000: well, the fundraiser closed these days with a total of over $ 4.5 million raised, or almost exceeding ten times the target.
This has led to the unlocking of an infinite number of stretch goals for the development of Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, which now has numerous DLCs, expansions and additions to the structure and contents of the game compared to what was the initial basic project.
The idea, in any case, is to build a JRPG that incorporates the typical style of Suikoden, with one hundred characters who can re collected and used during the game, each characterized in its own way and the possibility of keeping them within a fortification to manage.
The basic contents have been joined by numerous well-characterized characters, the translation in various languages (the Italian was already among those originally planned), orchestral music, dialogue and a large amount of mini-games or additional structural elements for the gameplay.
The latest achievement unlocked is "A Quiet Place", which introduces a real separate companion game, which will be developed by NatsumeAtari and will be released before Eiyuden Chronicle: Hundred Heroes, paving the way for the latter with a series of mini-games connected to the management part of the main game, on the collection of resources and management of the base.