COVID-19: Bill Gates' $ 3 vaccines

COVID-19: Bill Gates' $ 3 vaccines
The commitment of Bill Gates and his wife Melinda in the fight against COVID-19 today sees the Foundation write a check for 150 million dollars for the production of vaccines for 92 countries in the world in economic difficulty. Thanks to this new injection of money, the Serum Institute of India will be able to make a single dose accessible for $ 3.

Coronavirus: vaccines for poorer countries funded by Bill Gates

It will obviously be sooner It is necessary for one of the current research projects to prove effective in countering the transmission of the coronavirus. This is how the former CEO and co-founder of Microsoft describes the purpose of yet another economic effort put in place to this end.

Researchers are making important progress in developing safe and effective vaccines for COVID-19. However, ensuring that everyone can access them as soon as possible will require incredible production rates and a global network for distribution.

The collaboration sees active part Gavi (Vaccine Alliance), a non-profit organization active globally to vaccinate smaller against the most serious and debilitating pathologies. The other reality mentioned by Gates is CEPI (Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations), also a non-profit involved in research projects related to emerging diseases.

This collaboration makes two things available to the whole world: India's powerhouse in manufacturing and Gavi's supply chain. It's just a start. Organizations like Gavi and CEPI need far more support to simplify the development and delivery of hundreds of millions (or perhaps billions) of vaccines within the next year.

The goal is ambitious: to get to provide up to two billion doses of vaccine anti-coronavirus by the end of next year. Conspiracy theories permitting.

Source: Gavi

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