Contact tracing: attention, in Italy only Immuni

Privacy Guarantor: Immuni is the only contact tracing app
It may seem paradoxical, but one of the reasons that have so far pushed many not to download the app, the protection of privacy, risks being compromised by the use of alternative software which, thanks to the prolongation of the health crisis, have started to circulate. It matters little whether municipalities, regions, health facilities or other types of realities produced them.The #Garante warns about illegitimate #ContactTracing apps. The # COVID19 emergency must not be an excuse to damage the #privacy of citizens. The only app entitled to operate in this context is #Immuni, which has its basis in a national law.
- Immuni App (@immuni_app) August 10, 2020
The authorities reaffirms with strength, Immune is the only presidium digital authorized and reliable, passed through a phase of development that by adopting an approach that is “open” in the drafting of the code ensures full transparency with regard to the mode of operation. Download and install on their own devices other applications that claim to perform the same task is detrimental for two reasons: you may jeopardize your privacy and steals a resource to the network of contact tracing and national, especially in view of the coming months will be of crucial importance if the number of cases were to rise again in a important way.
The spread of the app has reached at the end of July, the 4.5 million download , share not enough for proper coverage and of the territory . We do not have at the time of the official data, more up to date. To increase the dissemination is and will be necessary to continue to provide the utility across all channels available, institutional and non-institutional. He is doing it, among others, the Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism precisely in the weeks that intensify the movements of those who move for a well-earned vacation.
Not to waste the great efforts made so far. In this #estateitaliana live your #viaggioinitalia in a conscious manner and complies with all safety standards. #iorispettoleregole #MiBACT
— MiBACT (@_MiBACT) August 10, 2020
Bending Spoons , the software house milanese who was responsible for the development, confirmed last month that Immune will evolve in the direction of interoperability with other european applications of contact tracing.
Source: Immune App on Twitter