Carlo Calenda did not completely repent on video games, in the end

Yesterday evening we talked to you about how Carlo Calenda, twice Minister of Economic Development, seemed to have (finally) changed his mind about video games. It is true that he had done so during the amusing experiment that saw Luca Bizzarri, the famous Genoese comedian of the Luca & Paolo duo, act as Social Media Manager for a day, but the topics covered and the point of view seemed to be treated from the point of view of the politician romano.
And in fact it is like this: in the final message of thanks, Calenda writes that "the contents were really shared, we did things well, discussing them". All right then? Has the Action leader repented on the road to Damascus? No, because immediately after he wrote "Let's say that about video games .. okay forget it. That's okay too," something that makes us think that the discussion on the subject was more heated than the others and in this case Calenda was not totally convinced of what his Spin Doctor was going to write.
Too bad. Especially considering that initiatives such as the IVIPRO Days, an event designed to use video games as a tool for territorial and cultural promotion, if supported, would only do great good to our country and its precarious economy.