Captain Tsubasa and Microsoft Flight Simulator are the most anticipated games of August 2020

The most awaited by the editors
The vote of the drafting has led to the emergence of a result, more net, with Captain Tsubasa: Rise of the New Champions was confirmed as the most anticipated game of the month of August 2020. The average age of the components of the preparation probably has played a fundamental role in this choice, considering that the nostalgia for the childhood in which the cardboard was especially in vogue has hit hard this time, prompting many to vote for the game of football in the style of anime as most anticipated of next month, although realistically come to have serious doubts about a purely videogame of the product. In the second position there is the amazing Microsoft Flight Simulator, which not only reports on the scenes of a historic brand in the gaming industry, but he also does it in style, with leading-edge technical solutions that make it one of the games the most graphically impressive that you have seen in these years, perhaps one of the first true taste of next gen to be found in lap.In the third position there is the PC version of Horizon Zero Dawn: the game, Guerrilla is considered to be one of the best titles for the PS4, if not of the entire generation that is about to come to an end, so it's easy to understand how even a simple conversion, however, definitely late, may represent one of the most anticipated games of the month on arrival. Off the podium, the other games are at a considerable distance from the first three classified, but bear witness to a variety of tastes that characterizes the various members of the editorial staff, whereas in the fourth position there is Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles Remastered , a new edition improved on the old classic released at the time, the Gamecube, in addition to Tell me Why, the adventure episodic of Dontnod intended to pick up the baton left by Life is Strange, a little under.
The most awaited by the readers
The survey spread to the players has revealed that the most anticipated games by the user of the are two, or even here Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions, and Microsoft Flight Simulator , both with the same percentage of preferences. Note that by the choice that actually took the most votes is "No title", and probably also for the lack of flagship titles for the PS4 after two months, somewhat rich on this front, considering probably the spread of the Sony console at the user. In any case, it is still remarkable the equal merit between the two above-mentioned games, which are extremely different from one another. Captain Tsubasa is a kind of institution in Italy, which explains the wait that characterizes this new game from Bandai Namco, while Microsoft Flight Simulator is curious about a little bit, despite her being a game strongly niche for its spectacular technological The second place, a short distance, we find the PC version of Horizon Zero Dawn, the conversion in many ways historical as it is one of the rare cases where a title within Sony goes out of scope PlayStation and arrives on PC through Steam. In the third position there is a Wasteland 3, a title of great thickness on the part of InXile but this also is rather addressed to a specific audience, continuing in the recovery of the old series of RPG to tactics and setting post-apocalyptic. Below the podium, the votes are distributed more on a broader array of titles, among which are in particular Serious Sam 4, and Final Fantasy: Crystal Chronicles.