ByteDance's CEO stretched his leg on Trump

It is not their goal or what they want. The real aim is to obtain a global ban.
TikTok case: the CEO of ByteDance is not there
That was not the usual negotiation for an acquisition it was already understood. This was confirmed by Trump's intervention on the issue: the US President has threatened to ban the platform on American territory if the handover should not take place by mid-September. TikTok is therefore crushed in a clash between two superpowers whose dynamics go beyond the boundaries of the technological field to enter those of politics and international diplomacy, in a similar way to what has already happened with Huawei.In any case Zhang reiterated to his collaborators that at the moment the company has not yet made a final decision, continuing to evaluate and follow every possible path in an attempt to resolve a diatribe whose tones have been burning in recent days. To make the matter even more complex, the position taken yesterday by the authorities in China who, through a government press, have made it known that they will not remain on the sidelines to witness what has been called a "theft", having "several ways to respond ".
by Observing what is happening from the point of view is still wider than that are not to be taken into account the pre-existing tensions between Washington and Beijing , assembled in the course of the last year for issues related to tariffs and exports, which already have had repercussions on the hi-tech world by pushing some companies (Apple included) to move production of the devices in other countries, India on all.
Source: Bloomberg