Belarus: VPN is anonymity and freedom

VPN is freedom
The Internet, you know, often becomes the primary channel for protest: it is theoretically the many-to-many channel par excellence, which allows individuals to be connected and at the same time give everyone an opportunity for mainstream visibility. WhatsApp to tell, YouTube to disclose? The reality is another: when the going gets tough, the dictator turns off the Internet, hinders it by filtering traffic and thus makes the main channels difficult to manage. That is why, in similar circumstances, other tools such as Telegram and VPN become breaths of freedom.When Lukashenko stopped the Internet in early August, those were the days when the controversy over electoral fraud flared up: turning off the Internet meant stifle the revolt by preventing the rioters from making a mass, raising the tone and letting the world know what was happening. Today, however, especially in the Western world, turning off the Internet is something dangerous because it attracts the attention of free countries and generates dangerous side effects for the internal market. This is why the stop lasted a few days, and then practiced more subtle techniques of espionage and traffic filtering.