Aeon Must Die !, lights and shadows from the tormented video game developed by Limestone Games

An unheard appeal The betrayal of Focus and the threats of Lõssenko The case of the Motion Designer The termination of contracts Stabbed twice by Focus What is the current situation? It was a dark and stormy night. All self-respecting stories start like this (Snoopy docet). In the case in question, however, the storm had yet to break out on the quiet evening of the latest State of Play and when it did it brought with it an unprecedented case. Not so direct and detailed, at least: the crunch phenomenon is not a novelty in this and other sectors but as regards Aeon Must Die! the situation is even more serious. We are not talking "only" of bad working conditions, there are also threats and above all the theft of material. The short version is that the Limestone Games studio was accused of firing whoever worked on the trailer and stealing the IP from the creators.Evidence supporting this thesis has been made public on the internet and tells a situation that to define deplorable would be an understatement. In the meantime, the response of the publisher Focus Home Interactive was not long in coming, declaring himself unrelated to the facts and ready to intervene if everything were to be confirmed. A commendable position which, however, does not coincide with what is read in the detailed series of documents on the net. We are not here to make further accusations in addition to those that are already arising, but to offer as comprehensive a picture as possible of a delicate situation, leaving us to the words of the developers. A difficult and troubled story, which makes the future of Aeon Must Die! rather uncertain.