Yahoo emails violated looking for porn: the sentence

Yahoo, Reyes Daniel Ruiz case: the conviction
The sentencing established by the judge it also provides for the payment of a fine of $ 5,000 and the return to Yahoo (Oath group) of an amount equal to $ 118,456. He worked for the company from 2009 to July two years ago. Taking advantage of the access tools to the back-end of the service, he obtained the hashes of the passwords for authentication to the email service, focusing on a female user mainly of a young age, including some friends and colleagues, then peering into their boxes in search of Finally, explicit images and videos saved on a personal hard disk: thousands of files downloaded for a total of approximately 2 TB.During the investigation it also emerged that Ruiz exploited access to the accounts to enter the profiles of victims registered on other services: from iCloud to Gmail, from Hotmail to Dropbox, up to Photobucket. His actions were discovered by other Yahoo engineers in June 2018 and subsequently reported to the authorities. Once he learned that he had been discovered, the person concerned immediately destroyed the hard drive in which the files were contained as confessed to the FBI agents following a search.
You think may have compromised the privacy of about 6,000 people, but the impossibility of access to content has allowed to trace the identity of 3.137 affected individuals. The right to serve the sentence in their own domicile was granted because the defendant has demonstrated a collaborative and because the contents have never been published online.
Source: Document Cloud