Xbox Series X, check a white controller: variant or Xbox Lockhart?

Obviously, the most logical explanation - in case the image is authentic, what all nothing but obvious - is that it is a simple white variant of the Xbox Series X controller. Considering the amount of Xbox One controller models launched on the market by Microsoft, in addition to the customizations offered by the excellent Xbox Design Lab service, it is rather obvious that Xbox Series X also has specific controllers with different colors, only that maybe we would have expected to see them after the launch of the console, which at the moment seems to be all black.
The photo in question was published on Reddit and the most imaginative users immediately launched the idea that it could be the Xbox Lockhart or Series controller S, or the alleged next gen console in an economic version of Microsoft, which has not yet been announced by the partner but has been in the corridor rumors for a long time.
In the first amateur renderings, however, the console in question it is actually white, therefore the controller in question would seem to associate perfectly with the hardware in question, but obviously it is only speculation, for the mo chin.
whine xsx controller from r / xbox Source