World of Warcraft, hundreds of thousands of players have mourned the death of Reckful, including Blizzard

Reckful committed suicide yesterday, hitting the community a lot ... and not only, since Blizzard also joined the general condolence by publishing a message of condolence through the game's official account:
"The Warcraft team is filled with sadness at having learned of the death of one of the most important WoW players ever.
Rest in peace, Byron 'Reckful' Bernstein.
We also offer our condolences to the family, to friends to Bryon fans all over the world. "
The Twitch streamer Asmongold documented the memory of Reckful by going to the Stormwind Cathedral in Azeroth on several servers, all full of Horde and Alliance players gathered in memory of Reckful. A truly touching moment. Rest in peace, Byron "Reckful" Bernstein.
- World of Warcraft (@Warcraft) July 2, 2020