Vodafone's European network will be 100% green

Vodafone: network and sustainability, a combination possible
The operator is already on track to hit the target within the next year: in Italy already 97% of the energy consumed for the functioning of the networks comes from renewable sources (wind, solar or water) and 100% are targeted for 2021. This is the comment of Nick Read, CEO of the Vodafone group.As the company is rebuilding and recovering from the COVID-19 crisis, we have an opportunity to redesign our future in a sustainable way, to ensure that recovery does not take place at the expense of the environment. Accelerating our transition to 100% renewable energy on European grids will forever change the way we feed our technology by reducing our dependence on fossil fuels, helping our customers manage their resources more effectively and reduce their emissions. of carbon and, at the same time, helping to create a cleaner planet for everyone.
Over the past twelve months, Vodafone Italia has recorded a reduction in emissions of 1,306,815 tCO2e (tons of CO2 equivalent) thanks to the use of smart devices related to the Internet of Things.
also On the program initiatives support to business customers, who rely on its services with the same goal to reach by 2030 to an estimated reduction in 350.000.000 tCO2e, which is the equivalent of what is produced last year from all over the United Kingdom.
In field programs and the recovery of waste for reuse, resale or recycling as much produced by the network, in support of the circular economy .