United States: 214 million players according to ESA

In the report, accessible at this address and whose data come from various surveys, we discover that 70% of young people under 18 play video games regularly, and that 64% of people over 18 regularly practice this activity, with an average age between 35 and 44 years. Also, the report reveals that more than half of the players, 65%, play in the company of other people, mainly friends (42%), whom spouses and other family members follow quite far away (27 and 24%). On the senior side, we note that the latter have been playing, for a majority of them, for less than 10 years.
Of total gamers, 73% say they have a console and use it for activity, while 43% say they play from a mobile device they own. Note, however, that in the surveys in question, it was possible to choose both responses together. Another series of interesting figures, the one where players estimate the impact of video games on their lives. Thus, 80% of players consider that the practice is intellectually stimulating, 79% think that playing allows you to relax and get rid of stress, while 50% of them indicate that it allows to spend time with family. All data by age group and gender is available in the report, for those who wish to explore the data.