TSMC: enough chips to Huawei within two months

TSMC: enough chips to Huawei within two months
Precisely on the days when an indiscretion appears about a new plant for the construction of 2 nm components, TSMC returns to pronounce on the supply of chips to Huawei, confirming the intention to discontinue it within the next two months in the absence more news. The corridor rumors circulated in mid-May are therefore confirmed.

TSMC-Huawei: stop supplying the chips

The chipmaker thus loses one of its most important customers, but as reiterated at the beginning in June this should not jeopardize its economic stability. There seems to be no forwarding a request to the US authorities on the horizon to obtain the go-ahead necessary to continue the business with one of the entities included in the Department of Commerce in the Entity List. These are the words of Mark Liu, President of Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Company.

We are fully conforming to the new standards. We haven't taken any new orders since May 15th. Despite the public debate on the regulation having ended, the Bureau of Industry and Security has not yet announced a definitive change. In this situation, we will not supply more hardware after September 14.

Therefore, the possibility that TSMC may return to its decision in the event of changes announced by the United States cannot be excluded.

group for the period July-September are growth: revenue from 11.2 to 11.5 billion dollars, up more than 20% compared to the same period of 2019. This is despite an estimated decrease of more than 10% in the volume of smartphones distributed globally between now and the end of the year. Much will also depend on the reception reserved for models compatible with 5G networks.

Source: Nikkei Asian Review

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