48 hours after the confirmation of an attack on the Russian Internet Research Agency by the United States, a former officer of the Ameri
can government has made known through the Yahoo News pages that in 2018 President Trump gave the CIA major powers and greater independence to conduct operations of this type on a global level through the signing of what is called a Presidential Finding.
USA: attacks on Russia and Iran with the Trump placet Faculty that the agency would have exercised on at least a dozen occasions, without going through the approval of the National Security Council. The details of the operations were not disclosed, but it is believed that these could include the publication of the malware used by the Iranian group APT34, the dissemination of information about IRGC (Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps) which exposed names, surnames, addresses of residence, telephone numbers and social profiles, the theft of data relating to approximately 15 million credit cards connected to three Iranian banking institutions believed to be linked to IRGC and the compromise of the IT systems of two Russian companies that provide intelligence solutions to the FSB federal body with subsequent distribution of data through a reality called Digital Revolution.
According to the source of Yahoo News, the activities would never have been authorized by the previous Obama administration, more cautious in the approach to target-oriented actions foreigners. Target countries include Russia, Iran, China and North Korea, all countries with which the United States has diplomatic tensions for different reasons.
Source: Yahoo News