Tim excludes Huawei from a tender for the 5G network

Tim excludes Huawei from a tender for the 5G network

The Italian telecommunications operator has chosen to exclude the Chinese giant Huawei from the companies with which it can collaborate for the construction of its 5G core network in Italy and Brazil, preferring other companies. Huawei's road is now more difficult.

The entrance of the Huawei headquarters in Milan (photo Daniele Monaco) Huawei will not participate in the construction of Tim's 5G network in Italy and Brazil. The news was reported by Reuters, according to which the main Italian telecommunications operator decided to exclude the Chinese giant from the tender for the supply of equipment for the installation of its 5G ultra-fast central connection network destined to process sensitive data.

To be among the equipment suppliers that Tim has invited to collaborate for the construction of its infrastructure there will be other big names in the telecommunications sector such as Cisco, Ericsson, Nokia, Mavenir & Affirmed Networks, the latter recently acquired by Microsoft with the intention of enhancing cloud services and increasing the presence of the Redmond group within the telecommunications and last generation networks market.

The position of the States United

No comment from Huawei, which in recent months on the front of the agreements for the supply of its te 5G technologies are experiencing some difficulties in several countries, especially after the tough position taken by the Trump administration which considers the entry of the Chinese group into the management of the latest generation networks as a potential risk to the security of nations.

And in recent times, the United States have also started to make pressure on the governments of the allied countries to take the distances from Huawei, at least for what concerns the construction of strategic infrastructure . Last in order of time to have decided to review their position in regard to the cooperation with the asian giant has been the United Kingdom , which this month should post an update on the role of the company Shenzhen will have in the construction of the 5G in England, after London had at first shown much more open to collaboration.

What happens in Italy

as regards Italy , the decision of Tim comes while our country is still considering what role he will have to have Huawei in the implementation of the technology 5G on the national territory, as can be read on Reuters . And on this aspect of chinese society has commented that “the security and development of the digital Italy) should be based on an approach founded on facts and not on allegations without foundation ” .

today, however, Huawei has not covered in Italy no central role in the construction of the core network of the latest generation. Different is the case of Brazil, where the chinese giant has provided to the brazilian subsidiary of Tim their equipment for the development of 4G, and now, following the choice of the Italian group, may be excluded from future auctions for the allocation of frequencies and the supply of technologies on the 5G.

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