These fish and insects await you in Animal Crossing: New Horizons in July

Sea animals
Before we go to the swimming and crawling fellows, we will briefly discuss the marine animals that will be added with the summer update that will be released on July 3. While the list of marine animals in Animal Crossing: New Leaf contains 30 entries, there is no official listing for the current Nintendo Switch title. The first recurring marine animals can already be found in the trailer for the new update. The following entries can be regarded as confirmed - the frequency and value remain unknown:
New fish in July
Northern Hemisphere
Ayu, all day in the river, 900 sternis
Hedgehog fish, all day in the sea, 250 sternis >
Marlin, all day at the jetty, 10,000 Sternis
sunfish, morning to afternoon in the sea, 4,000 Sternis
Napoleonfish, morning to afternoon in the sea, 10,000 Sternis
Southern hemisphere
There are no new fish in the southern hemisphere in July.
New insects in July
Northern hemisphere
Evening cicada , from 4 to 8 a.m. and from 4 to 7 p.m. on large trees, 550 sternis