The new course of Banca Ifis

The new course of Banca Ifis

The Italian banking institution relaunches its identity through a major rebranding operation

(photo: Ernesto Fürstenberg Fassio and Luciano Colombini) A new logo, a new sound identity, a new corporate identity increasingly oriented towards a sustainable vision of the future. Banca Ifis changes its skin, and it does so also through an important rebranding operation strongly supported by its vice-president Ernesto Fürstenberg Fassio. Objective: to give merit to the tradition and to the people who have made the banking institution grow, while at the same time relaunching its identity in an innovative way 37 years after its foundation.

So we start right from the logo. The new font of the name Banca Ifis is combined with a new symbol: the digital bloom, a virtual flower represented by a circle-shaped graphic element that encompasses the pulsing core of Italian specialty finance, the people. For the first time in its history, the Bank has chosen to associate the new brand with a sound identity validated by neuroscientific tests. The Banca Ifis sound brand is declined in a single widespread harmony to make the Bank even more recognizable on a sensorial level.

Banca Ifis therefore opens a new chapter in its history: through a renewed mission and new values ​​- integrity, transparency, excellence, competence - the institute wants to integrate the tradition represented by the Fürstenberg family with digital innovation, to tell a technological and human bank at the same time, grappling with a real generational change.

The history of Banca Ifis

Banca Ifis was founded in 1983 by Sebastien Egon Fürstenberg , the current chairman. The institute is a specialty finance listed since 2003 on the Milan Stock exchange (Star segment), which today draws about 500 million euros. Its main business activities are related to the services and solutions of credit to businesses, in addition to acquiring and managing portfolios of non-performing loans.

Since its inception, the institute has focused on a business model that is sustainable and diversified . In April 2019, with the appointment of Luciano Colombini as Such, the Bank has mapped out a new route to expand the horizons of growth. In 2020, in full lockdown, it was announced the purchase of 70,77% of the share capital of Farbańca that, thanks to the synergies with the subsidiary Credifarma, will lead the group to market leadership in the specialised finance for pharmacies,.

the passing of The generations

may 23, 2020, following the release of the authorisation of the European Central Bank, Sebastien Egon von Fürstenberg, Chairman of the Board of Directors, has notified the board of directors to have transferred, free of charge, the bare ownership of 51% of the shares of the company The Cliff to his son Ernesto Fürstenberg Was already ceo of the holding company and from 2019, vice-president of Banca Ifis. The intention is to ensure a gradual generational change , as evidence of the continuous and full engagement of the family with respect to the development of the institute. An institute that, over the past 25 years has brought its own net assets to an increase of about € 1.5 billion , paying € 0.4 billion of dividends, and ranking at fourth place among listed banks in terms of profit generated. At the end of 2019 Banca Ifis has recorded 123.1 million of net income: it currently has about 1,800 employees, 6 locations and 26 sales offices throughout Italy.

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