The Last Of Us 2: tunnels, capturing the imagination

Crimson nemesis The body Above the scene A few weeks ago we immersed ourselves in a large game section of The Last Of Us 2, the one set in Jackson.Through the We tried to explore the sensations of the prologue more deeply, immersing ourselves in the excellent views that Naughty Dog "throws" at the player to attract him in his narration.
The next step, obviously, is Seattle. But, given the importance of the metropolis within the adventure and, consequently, the large presence of game sections visually and photographically satisfying, we have decided to focus only on some scenarios.
Let's start our " descent into the underworld "of Seattle through one of the most disturbing and spectacular areas of The Last Of Us 2: the tunnels.
The following article contains spoilers concerning Day 1 in Seattle, therefore there we recommend continuing to read only if you have passed the aforementioned section of the game.
Crimson nemesis
After escaping the assault on the radio station, we enter Ellie and Dina into the Seattle subsoil , more precisely in the city metro. The game calls this level "The tunnels", mainly because we find ourselves exploring different environments, united by wagons that have broken through walls or by small holes created through collapses and landslides.The first visual impact with this section is given by the strong red light created by a flare at the bottom of the first, large room we meet.
At this time, we have to face a tricky situation. From one side we hear the voices of the soldiers in the WLF that we are chasing, and who have reached the stop of the metro, where we just appeared out. On the other, we have seen that there are several clicker ready to react to any noise. The most obvious thing to do is to draw them against the soldiers and leave that fight between them, giving beginning to a battle bloody and without exclusion of blows (a scene certainly worthy of being immortalized).
The body
once you have Passed this section, you will arrive in another room, visually evocative, the result given by the long dark hallway as soon as path.Here's another red light invades the scene, filtering through the grate, where a corpse has been caught. It is a scene that from the photographic point of view says a lot. It creates a sort of interest to what is being shown.
we Understand that the soldier must be found in a blind alley and that, as the tradition of horror emblazoned on it, must have been killed just as he tried desperately (and in vain) to reach the other side of that grate, probably from the screams and despair.
Above the scene
Overcome this zone, Ellie and Dina must pass through a kind of conduit very tight. Due to its crosslinked structure, we can see what happens below us.we witness a "hunt-mouse" between the clicker and WLF (where the latter are of course the mice). This sequence is introduced as well as the shambler , an infected particularly annoying, as it releases a toxic cloud that brings great damage.
Also in this area, of course, only the bengal light up the scene , which makes everything all the more disturbing in its monocromaticità .
Here we are again to see the stars after this adventure in the tunnels of The Last Of Us 2. The photo opportunities are different, especially if you can play in a creative way with the presence of infected and enemy soldiers, and with the lighting, almost monochrome.
Let us know what you think and what you would like to be the next stop on the photo of our trip.