The Last of Us 2, the review bombing prompted Metacritic to modify the system

Do you want to publish a review of The Last of Us 2 before the game even goes out in stores? From now on, it will no longer be possible: Metacritic has imposed that users' opinions can be inserted only after the release of the game.
Will this foresight solve the problem? Obviously not, but it will at least put a dam on the boycott campaigns that deliberately start before the launch of an "uncomfortable" game to try to influence its sales.
Not that it worked with The Last of Us 2, that only in the first three days has placed over 4 million copies showing a virtual middle finger to those who wished them to flop for the wrong reasons and even went so far as to express insults and threats to the developers.
Anyway, we are happy that Metacritic has at least taken note of the matter and is thinking of ways to put a piece in it. Provided that it is really possible without completely eliminating user reviews.