The Last of Us 2, is it possible to criticize it? In what ways is it lawful to do so?

"I have none but you but those who are close to you and have not thrown you down" said Ettore Petrolini to a particularly annoying spectator who was whistling during a show disturbing the whole audience. Petrolini, of course, wasn't angry with the viewer because he was criticizing him, but because of the way he was doing it, which went beyond the right to express his disappointment at something he evidently considered ugly or unpleasant.
Warning, because the text that follows contains advances on The Last of Us 2. If you don't want to have any, don't read on further.
Unfortunately for some, in 2020, freedom of criticism means: to Threaten with death anyone for any reason entices affect the mood, even if completely absurd (e.g. a character that I love is killed in a video game, so I'm going to wish the cancer to the actress that plays the character that killed him ); Make crusades against something, although it is based on false assumptions (e.g. mount a campaign of boycott against a video game starting from a leak later revealed, in good part, false); Bombing of negative reviews a game without having even tried, only because it is result unpleasant for some reason (e.g., the framerate was fixed at 30fps); Write reviews of a line with insults, on a game that has tried it maybe for 10 minutes, for reasons often not even made explicit; The idolatry : something like, then is made to become a kind of religion (e.g., I read articles or see videos that confirm my point of view, considering the excrement in all the others). Put 10 in a game having not played to try to balance the 0 of the other (or idolatry). Nourish the superstition of the freedom of thought. Many do not realize that these excesses are bad, especially to those who would like to exercise seriously for their own freedom of criticism, because, in fact, create a cauldron full of rottenness, in which it becomes difficult to distinguish the genuine ingredients.
For example, anyone who has tried to criticize sensibly and The Last of Us 2 entering into the merits of the game is finished obscured by the various aggressions suffered by Naughty Dog and members. Take Metacritic: digging you will find negative reviews with meaningful, written by users, but were submerged by the 0 and the 10 that have finished to lose their power (by good game for those who do not accept criticism of the game).
So the game Naughty Dog has not suffered major damage from the background noise that is created around it (indeed, it may become the exclusive PS4 the most sold of the generation), the attackers themselves have lost it and are back in their kennel to wait for the bone, while those who would want to open a serious debate on the content of the game has struggled enormously to do so and has found that very few banks. Behold, the first that should rise against those who offend, those who threaten and those who poison the minds are just these last ones, because they end to be the only true victims.