The Flash - the new creative team of the DC series

Joshua Williamson's management therefore comes to an end after four years - as previously announced, click HERE for details - while The Flash will maintain its fortnight in the United States.
Here are the covers of The Flash # 763 and The Flash # 764 by Bernard Chang and a variant cover for Inhyuk Lee's # 763.
About the new creative team.
Kevin Shinick returns to writing comics after a successful career as a screenwriter, producer, director and voice actor working on series such as Robot Chicken, Mad and Disney XD's Spider-Man. In the past he had written Avenging Spider-Man, Superior Carnage and some stories for the anthology Batman 80-Page Giant.
Clayton Henry is instead a veteran having worked for DC, Marvel Comics and Valiant Entertainment. For DC, as mentioned above, he recently drew the first 6 issues of The Flash - The Fastest Man Alive and a cycle of stories about Batman / Superman.
Here is what awaits us in the next issues.
On The Flash # 763 Barry Allen will cross the road with Trickster, at the center of their dispute there will be the legendary ring that contains the costume of Flash and its secret history. The last page of this debut issue promises a cliffhanger that no reader could foresee.
On The Flash # 764 instead Dr. Alchemy after years of imprisonment at Iron Heights has finally found a way to definitively beat Flash . Between intuitions and science, power and speed, Barry will have to face one of his most formidable enemies before the doctor turns into a God.
Remember that Panini DC Italia has launched a new stapled with the adventures of Sprinter Scarlet.
Buy Flash – Rebirth with the return of Barry Allen by clicking HERE.