The Fantastic Four: the origins of the Marvel Universe

And that signal is the starting point of the Marvel Universe!
The rebirth of the Heroes
Before arriving at this evocative call, we must take a step back and go back to a much more realistic game of golf (or so legend has it).We are in 1961, and the world of comics is trying to start again after the debacle of the end of the Golden Age. The arrival of the Comics Code Auhority, a consequence of Fredric Wertham's essay The Seduction of the Innocent, which prompted the American government to regulate the stories and content of superhero adventures. Added to a harmful overexposure of the superhero figure, this decision led to a drastic drop in sales, which led to the almost total disappearance of the superhero genre.
The National Periodical Publication thought about reversing this trend, which despite having kept some of its superhero publications alive, accused the collapse of sales of this narrative trend. By the will of the editor Julius Scwatrz, it was decided to revive the old heroes of the National, but with a novelty: they would have been adapted to a new audience.