Tesla wants to test a fully autonomous car by 2020

This was announced by the CEO of the company Elon Musk who is very optimistic about the timing. The new Tesla cars could therefore move without the driver's contribution
(photo: Long Wei / VCG / Getty Images Tesla cars will soon be able to use autonomous driving, the technology that allows cars to move without any command or interaction of the driver. To announce it via video, during the opening ceremony of the World Artificial Intelligence Conference (Waic) in Shanghai, is the founder Elon Musk himself. "I am pretty sure that we will complete the basic functions by the end of this year" , explained the CEO.Tesla's new technology
What changes, therefore, compared to other cars that are already equipped with autopilot, like another Tesla car, Model 3? It is necessary to underline that the software the engineers of the Californian company are working on is classified at level 5 of the Sae scale, a measurement system that allows to detect the degree of a automation of a vehicle. It is the highest step and, currently, the cars in circulation reach level 2. If this technology proves to be perfectly functional and available for sale, the driver's contribution to driving the car would be practically zero: it should not touch the steering wheel or pedals and could travel simply as a passenger. Unlike what happens in level 2 where the autopilot pushes to correct the steering, brake and accelerator action, but the responsibility of the vehicle always remains with the driver.In the machine Tesla already available on the market, the mechanism of the automation is based on Autopilot , a system that has 8 cameras, 12 ultrasonic sensors and a front radar . Probably the ultimate of the company owned by Elon Musk will be an evolution of this basic model .
the question of The autonomous guide is widely debated in the car industry and in the technology sector. It is a technology in which it invests but which, up to this moment, has never been a development as large as that of Tesla . For the professionals, it is something very complicated to experiment with, and make fully accessible: to curb, very often it is the a very long time to carry out the testing in the street; the development of systems guaranteeing the safety of the passengers and, finally, the reluctance on the part of the users to buy a car of this type. The previous attempts – those, for example, of the Alphabet, Waymo and Uber Technologies – you are never pushed so far, but perhaps Tesla could change things.