Step forward for Windows 10 on the Raspberry Pi 4

W10 on the Raspberry Pi 4 card: now it is better
From the point of view of hardware resources this particular Incarnation of the operating system now allows you to use the USB ports, the HDMI video output for connection to a screen, the Bluetooth module and the wired connection (even if a dongle is needed). Fully functional software like YouTube, the Edge browser, Paint and the Microsoft Store. On the other hand, there is still work to be done on the Ethernet slot, the graphics acceleration and the integrated WiFi.In short, a PC not suitable for daily work or for gaming is not obtained, but geeks will certainly find bread for their teeth by downloading the image from Discord and following the instructions provided for installation. As for the microSD, it is necessary to use a drive of at least 32 GB (better 64 GB) of class 10.