Some numbers on the relationship between social networks and teenagers

The average age of access decreases, the hours on the platforms increase. And the smartphone becomes a companion when you can't sleep
TikTok (AFP / Getty Images) Cyberbullying, but also of disturbed sleep or even insomnia, are increasing among teenagers: these are the results of the survey “Teenagers and lifestyles ”, created by the Adolescence Laboratory and IARD Research Institute, two study centers for the youngest. The use of smartphones, now increasingly early, has important consequences. "Being constantly on showcase and psychologically dependent on the judgment of others" - says Maurizio Tucci, president of Laboratorio Adolescenza - "makes them insecure to the point of changing the way they communicate with each other".Teens and social networks: a very close relationship
Always before and always more. This seems to be the axiom that best describes the relationship between kids and smartphones. About 60% of the respondents in the survey had their first cell phone between 10 and 11 years of age, but over 28% had it as a gift before the age of ten. We have confirmed this through several interviews with kids of that age group. Giorgia, 11, explains that she uses it “every day. My parents know what I'm doing, I have it mainly because I'm always away from home, so to communicate with them. "And the social network? 54% begins its life in a network between the 11 and 12, and 12% even before the age of 10. Things are changing fast, and by comparing for example the data with those relating to the edition 2017 of the same survey shows that a precocizzazione of access to the media and a lack of knowledge of the tools . It is increasing the percentage of young people who do not use any tool for the protection of your profile. But social networks have a minimum age of access, you say. True, but this is not a reason to waiver the 47% indicates the minimum age to be able to access, the 20% of the age-to-case, and 23% to be the age of majority.
“ A dangerous onset in age, almost childlike,” says Tucci: “When it is not absolutely necessary psychological maturity to be able to use the tools of communication so powerful and insidious even to age much more mature. But beyond the hazards more visible, stay h24 in the arena of the virtual market place helps to increase the fragility of a generation of adolescents constantly in performance anxiety”.
The awareness of a lack in the relationship is clear between the teenagers. “It is easier to make friends online that live, although then I realize I'm not myself relate truly with the people, ” says Michael, 14 years. “ I like being able to contact my friends instantly, I don't like the fact that sometimes when you are together it is as if there were a glass that separates the persons, and each is in his own world with your phone, ” adds Martina, 15 years.