Smart working according to Canon: it's a necessity

Smart working as a horizon
Well, according to Canon, the moment is crucial and courage is needed to ride the impact force without blindly opposing it:We cannot predict the future 100%, but what we know today with certainty is that digitization has become essential. Having the right technologies and the correct infrastructures is the key to operating successfully in a global market which, for some time, will undergo constant fluctuations. This is the right time to transform the company and give employees the best tools, adopting technologies and systems that allow more flexible ways of working.
Choosing smart working will therefore not be a natural thing for many, neither simple for the most part, but clear play will be a necessity for almost everyone:
It is conceivable that, although many companies are not entirely ready for change, the current situation will force the hand. Changing does not have to be complicated or expensive, but it is important to start in the right way: only in this way will it be possible to benefit from a workforce ready to operate remotely continuously and safely.
the Canon is not limited to this consideration of the general order, but seeks to focus attention on four specific elements, useful for a better understanding of the guidelines this change will need to follow:
According to Canon it is necessary to have an extreme flexibility in the tools and devices of the infrastructure made available to the workforce: “ This means not only switching from desktop devices to a fleet of laptops. Imagine that you work in the legal industry or in the world of education: the nature of the daily work implies that you have access to a device's print and scan business quality is an important requirement as having a laptop, regardless of whether you work in a domestic environment, or in a space of coworking “. It is therefore necessary to refigure not only the spaces (precisely in virtue of the fact that the same is then crushed by the spacing), but network, access, functions, and all the rest. Everything changes, and in consequence of this, we need to start from basics to understand how to better serve the workers and enable them to give their best, even if at a distance, especially if at a distance. Without forgetting maintenance and service, important as and even more than before; collaboration Tools
The choice of tools should take into consideration especially the capacity to transfer information between the company and the workers, between worker and worker. Needless to turn around, the answer is in the cloud: “ You must dedicate yourself now to the review of the systems currently in use – especially if taken during the period of emergency to solve a contingent problem – by identifying a single solution that meets the needs of workflow, and security for enterprise information management “. In virtue of this deviation, the company will have to review all safety procedures and must train employees so that all may be immediately aligned and adapted to the new practices, especially in light of the fact that the human element is typically recognized as the weak link in the organizational security policy; and Bridging the gap between the solutions paper-based and digital
“ if on the one hand it is easy to proceed to the activation of the team of remote working for businesses that already have cloud-based solutions, the situation is complicated for those who are beginning their process of digital transformation and rely heavily on paper-based processes and that, in the period of the lockdown, they had a lot of difficulties to access files or initiate workflows digital: where the card was the centre of gravity of the daily work, you may not think to change everything from one day to another (although this requires the emergency). It is therefore necessary to drive the transition, knowing that the digital is the point of departure, but knowing at the same time that around the paper, there are practices and centuries-old cultures that it is often difficult to eradicate. There is sudden, because innovation often causes fear and the best weapon against fear is knowledge. Delivery
“ if we consider that the information is at the heart of every company is the ability to make efficient use of the flows between the input, transfer, and access to determine the success of an organization. In a moment of history in which continuity is essential, it is easy to understand why combine the right technology, collaboration tools, and the productive management of document processes has a fundamental importance “. The clarity of the setting, and the organizational strength coordinated around the new center of gravity of the company are essential in order to provide points of references immediately recognizable, and on which the work of the team can recognize each other. Canon, for its part, says it is ready to face the challenge along with the companies, responding to these needs thanks to the tools already available . This is because, in fact, smart working was already a reality concern in the news lately for companies that served the dynamics of the company's production.
if we consider that the information is at the heart of every company is the ability to make efficient use of the flows between the input, transfer, and access to determine the success of an organization. In a moment of history in which continuity is essential, it is easy to understand why combine the right technology, collaboration tools, and the productive management of document processes is of fundamental importance. [...] The strength of the Canon is to satisfy the delivery model, and customization is most suited to the needs of the companies, by offering the solution on-premise, SaaS/PaaS cloud-based or scenarios hybrid.
The development of tools for the job agile and dynamic office which for years were slowly evolving towards this direction, in practice it represents a compromise, but a “plus”. That's why the office without walls or hours was already in the perimeter of the development tools for the company, and that's why today's smart working is not, therefore, a land unexplored: for companies like Canon, it was a landing place are already known, which you can now work in the sense of evolution on the basis of an application destined to grow up suddenly.
Source: Canon