PS5 will be the official sponsor of the UEFA Champions League

Obviously this is an effective marketing choice, given that the Japanese giant is only renewing the agreement with UEFA. In fact, many of the younger players in football are likely to be gamers as well. Just think of how many copies the FIFA series sells each year.
The agreement is also one of the first steps of PS5 in the world of communication. The console has now been presented and at this point it remains only to be seen how Sony wants to position it on the market. For now, some essential information about PS5 is not known, such as release date and price of the various models (with disc and digital only). The price in particular is subject to constant speculation. No wonder, since it is one of the fundamental elements that will determine the success or otherwise of the console.
Anyway from here to autumn we will certainly know everything, given that Sony has promised the arrival of PS5 later this year.