PS5: upcoming pre-orders? Eric Lempel warns us

PS5: upcoming pre-orders? Eric Lempel warns us
Recently, the rumor has spread that the pre-orders of PS5 were imminent and that Sony would soon make a new presentation, in order to immediately open the pre-orders of its new console. So, however, it was not. Sony has ensured that we will all be informed with a wide margin of notice, but it will not happen in the short term.

Although the rumor came from a questionable source, some people - victims of false hopes - even rushed to put themselves lined up in front of the stores, to book their much desired next-gen console. To clear up any doubts, journalist Geoff Keighley decided to ask the question directly to Eric Lempel - head of the PlayStation marketing division - asking him during the latest DualSense-themed live broadcast if it is legitimate to expect the imminent opening of the pre-orders of PS5 at this point.

"No, it certainly won't happen soon" is Lempel's imperturbable answer, which clarifies any doubt. “I received messages informing me that people were lining up in front of the shops and I had no idea why! I think it is appropriate to specify that we will let you know when the pre-orders will open. It will not happen with a few minutes' notice. At some point, we will tell you when it will be possible to book PS5, so do not think you have to rush to the stores to queue who knows where, until you receive official information about it "warns Lempel.

once Again, we'll have to wait and see, finally, the prices of the two versions, PS5 announced by Sony. Please note that you can choose which one to buy between a standard model and a completely digital and free to Blu-Ray. Therefore, we wait for official information from Sony , which as shown has decided not to upset the people behind the games with ads direct on the opening of the preorder – as it happened in other contexts, by other known technology companies.

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