PS5: backward compatibility with PS1, PS2 and PS3, here is the patent

The first person to share the information is Twitter user Renka_scedule. His tweet has been translated into English and reads the following words: “A large number of PS1, PS2 and PS3 games and several generations of consoles can be stored and used via a cloud gaming library. These games can be run through a virtual machine that mimics the operating system associated with each game's console. "
The image above shows the three Sony consoles that are emulated on separate screens. It is unclear how this result can be achieved or is somehow related to PlayStation Now. After all, Sony already offers multiple PS1, PS2 and PS3 games via the cloud: if, however, what the patent showed allows us to exploit the original disks in our possession, running them through a virtual machine in the cloud, a new backward compatibility scenario would open.
Renka_schedule has also released information on another patent, which suggests the possibility of registering and creating short game sections that can be shared with friends via the cloud. It seems something very similar to what has been nominated by other Sony patents and, above all, to the Google Stadia State Share, presented but not yet available.
the Whole PlayStation generation, from the first to the fourth version, Obviously, as always, we talk about patents then what is reported has no value “the official”. A patent often does not find any practical application , then it is possible that PS5 does not propose anything new in terms of backward compatibility, compared to what has already been announced. Tell us, however, is something that interests you a lot?
you Know that PS5 is already present on Amazon, you can find here !