PS5 and Xbox Series X: that's why we will play at 30fps also with the next-gen - article

With each new generation of consoles it is hoped to reach 60fps but the impression is that the choice is in the hands of the developers: the Sony and Microsoft platforms are certainly very performing, yet this power is not infinite. In creating Xbox Series X, the hardware team of Microsoft wanted to double the computational power of Xbox One X. The goal is centered (and beyond) but the numbers are those: at doubled power, doubling the frame-rate actually absorbs good part of the improvement, leaving little room for the other aspects that contribute to graphic fidelity.
Sony has given the go-at the event dedicated to the games PS5 with a short teaser of Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, and all the clues point towards a game even at 30fps, the same as the original, although there are some technical requirements to double the frame-rate. Ever since that movie I have often wondered how it would have been one of my favorite titles of this generation, to 60fps, and then I used the PC to process two hours of video taken by Spider-Man on PS4 in 4K, by analyzing the movement of the pixels for upscaling from 30 to 60 frames per second. The results you can see them below but know that the 48 hours of rendering passes, it will have an important weight on my electricity bill, and that my power supply is giving the first signs of subsidence.
To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings, We have dedicated a number of unreasonable CPU cycles and GPU to the making of this video: Spider-Man in 60fps (more Killzone Shadow Fall bonus)!
Subscribe to our YouTube channel to See the game turn 60fps is a real joy for the eyes, and maybe we can understand what would have happened if Insomniac had taken a different route. After having replayed a bit, and covered the trailer PS5 Miles Morales, it's pretty clear that the developers have decided to push the graphics engine of Spider-Man in a direction opposite to that of the doubling of the frame rate. It is difficult to draw conclusions from a few seconds of action, but watching the effects (as there are in Spider-Man on PS4) the impression is that Insomniac has decided to take the existing technologies and upgrade them, adding at the same time new. It's an approach that probably would not be possible to even double the frames, or at least it would be impossible without putting the hand to the technical architecture.
a few moments of ciondolamento hanging spider-webs close to the ground suggest a New York City much more dense on the PlayStation 4. There are more vehicles and more passers-by in the streets, and the draw distance seems much, much better than seen in Spider-Man on PS4. The trailer also shows that we are in the middle of winter, with snow and ice to enhance the graphic impact. We are very far from New York city view in the first game, where the best that could happen to the front air was a simple rain effect.
Insomniac has also said in a tweet that the ray tracing of the PlayStation 5 could be used in Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales, stating that the puddles would have enjoyed the reflections RT . Based on what saw in the trailer (and the gameplay of Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart) we can say that the study seems very interested in this technology, but the puddles that peep out for a few moments, do not seem to benefit from it, for now. In any case, use the ray-tracing you marry out with the use of the GPU to improve the graphics in the round, rather than focusing on frame-rate, just as it happens in the Horizon: Forbidden West, and Ratchet and Clank.
To see this content please enable targeting cookies. Manage cookie settings ray tracing via hardware acceleration is a revolution, but it consumes a lot of GPU. Here's how it behaves on the PS5, based on what we've seen so far.
Subscribe to our YouTube channel-Obviously we do not have the elements to tell the complete story: the remake of Demon's Souls's signature Bluepoint seems to follow in the footsteps of Shadow of the Colossus in offering two different modes which you can choose whether to prefer performance or graphics quality. According to the assets available, we believe that Bluepoint is pointing to the 4K mode at 30fps, while the higher frequency resolution seems to stop at 1440p. Codemasters has made it clear that we should see such an approach even in the Dirt 5, with the performance mode launched toward the 120fps.
let's Say that the offer of two graphics modes could be the norm, at least at this stage between the generations. The graphic engine must continue to support the CPU, AMD's Jaguar on the platforms current-gen, and then double the frame-rate on PS5 and Xbox Series X on paper it should be easy. We will see these modes in Miles Morales? It would be nice, but I'm afraid that Sony would have already announced, as it did with Demon's Souls.
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If it is true that the event PS5 has resized the hopes of the players on the hunt of 60fps, the impression is that it is only one side of the coin, and then it is true that force developers to support 60fps in all games would be a good idea. The 30fps that we see now does not deny the leap forward possible with the architecture Zen 2 and, frankly, it seems difficult that the CPU can get in the way of those developers I decided to reach 60fps (contrary to what happens now).
we Must then take into account another thing: even with the bottlenecks due to the CPU on the current generation of consoles, the benefits are still higher than those seen on the PS3/Xbox 360 on all fronts. And not only that: some of the series such as Battlefield and Halo are going from 30 to 60fps, while some engines such as id Tech 6/7, and the RE engine (s) have been created with 60fps in mind.
Codemasters has doubled the frame-rate, and The Coalition has failed to give us the Gears 5 to sixty frames per second on Xbox One X. Other series that already ran at 60fps, have shown significant improvements, graphs, and think of Gran Turismo, while the graphics engine IW8 that runs under Call of Duty-Modern Warfare 2019 is capable of showing the muscles.
it Is likely that developers takes a bit of time to acclimate, and maybe there will be some disappointment along the way, but that the Xbox Series the X-and PlayStation 5 have the CPU and GPU and more balanced between them with respect to the console that the above is a fact.
studies of the development will have more options and less limits, in short. The PC will probably remain the platform where the frame-rate will be higher, but Sony, with the event PS5, has made us understand that to accept the 30fps means enjoy experience spectacular graphics, and of course, we can't wait to learn more.