Porting studio Turn Me Up Games runs Unreal Engine titles natively on the Nintendo Switch

In an interview with Nintendo Everything, the team has now commented on the technical basics of the Borderlands port. In Dock mode, the titles run at a resolution of 1080p in 30 frames per second, in handheld mode the resolution is adjusted to the 720p of the screen. According to the team, internal development has managed to maximize the console's performance for porting. This is due to the company's own developed software, which allows titles based on Unreal Engine 2.5 and Unreal Engine 3 to run natively on the Nintendo Switch. A native calculation has the advantage over other forms of porting that no performance losses have to be accepted. In the case of an emulation, for example, resources have to be released in order to emulate the original system in software.
Do you have the Borderlands Legendary Collection in your collection? Are you satisfied with the quality of the port?
Source: Nintendo Everything - News picture: 2K Games