Pokémon GO, Mega Evolutions: what will be the 10 best Mega Evolutions in the game? Our guide

How will Mega Evolutions be implemented in Pokémon GO?
Let’s first quickly recall what a Mega Evolution is. Mega Evolution is a temporary evolution (for one fight only) of a single Pokémon per team. It allows a huge stat buff and sometimes even a type change. Not all Pokémon have access to them, and there are mega-megas that are far more formidable than others. We can then ask ourselves a legitimate question: how to implement mega-evolutions in Pokémon GO while keeping all these specificities?In the games of the main series, to mega-evolve, you have to find a stone specific to each mega, make it stick to the Pokémon concerned and press a special button that appears in combat. You can be sure it won't turn out like this in Pokémon GO. In general, when Niantic takes over mechanics from classic Pokémon RPGs, these mechanics come in a very simplified version. We think for example of the miriad of evolutionary objects all condensed in stones specific to each generation.
Our theory is the most popular among the players : it will most likely be necessary to go through the system of Pokémon Buddies . They are increasingly put forward in the game and it seems to be coherent enough to use a mechanism that everyone already knows to add a new specificity. Pass by Pokémon Buddies can not add new objects in game (it simplifies the system) while keeping the limitation of one Mega-Evolution per person per fight.
There are other theories about the way to mega-evolve. Certain(e)s think of the use of a rare item like the CTs Elite or premium as the Incense (the latter could comply with the constraint of limited time) for example. Others imagine a big investment in candy or Dust of a Star. In short, everything is possible, but the solution of the Pokémon Buddy seems to us more elegant . Please do not hesitate to give your opinion in comment !
Our Top 10 best Mega to come in Pokémon GB
As often, the data-miners have done a terrific job for find in the source code of the game the statistics of future Mega-Developments . Of course, these statistics can be changed, we had a remarkable example with Kyurem a while ago. But even if some stats are moving, we may already have a good idea of the impact of the Mega in the meta of the game. Keep this list in mind, you can prepare now your best specimens ! Without further ado, let's move on to our top 10 best Mega to come in Pokémon GB.10. Mega Latias
Against the Pokémon classics , Mega Latias will probably be of big holes. He spends 4000 PCS, has a huge stat attack (263 points) and a defense as solid (270 points). The problem is that there are other Legendary Dragon-type even more powerful than him. Some will have access to a Mega, then what good is it ?9. Mega Scarhino
Finally a Pokémon Insect really powerful ! It is expected that Mega Scarhino exceeds 300 attack points, which puts it in the Top 10 of the Pokémon with the largest attack of all the game, neither more nor less. The problem is that Scarhino is a Pokémon regional available only in Central and South America . This limitation will jump to the arrival of the Mega ? It is the hope, it would be a shame to lose such a monster.8. Mega Metalosse
Métalosse is already a Pokémon to be very powerful , as you probably know. With his new boost of stats, it will have exactly the same role as today, but by being more efficient than ever .7. Mega Latios
finally, Here is the first Pokémon of this list able to change the meta of the game . Latios is already a Pokémon playable without its Mega. It is a hair better than its "twin" Latias because it is a little more offensive. It will undoubtedly be played much more often ! Its only flaw is its dual type (Psy and Dragon) who has better representatives than him.6. Mega Drattak
Among the best Pokémon Dragon, Latias and Latios, there are Drattak. If you participated in the Community Day that was dedicated to you, you should have some good Drattak in your reserve. Enjoy ! The Mega-Evolution may be monstrous with PC up to 4263 .5. Mega Tyranitar
Tyranitar is one of the best Pokémon in the game, as it is to its type or Rock type Darkness . Its Mega could exceed 4500 PC . It has statistics monstrous in attack as in defence and endurance is more than correct. It will be massacres.4. Mega Garchomp
Still a Dragon ! Here, too, we are likely to exceed the 4500 PC , with more than 300 attack points and 200 defense points and endurance. Mega Carchacrock will be, quite simply, the best Pokémon non-legendary in the game. In PVP as in raids, we risk to see very often !3. Mega Rayquaza
It is the Pokémon is the most powerful games of the main series. The Master of the Heavens is the best Dragon in the game, by far. With over 5000 PC's and more than 350 points of attack, Mega-Rayquaza will quickly be a staple in all game modes Pokémon GB. Thanks to him, it may be possible to win solo raiding tier 5 , neither more nor less.2. Mega Mewtwo X
That may well be better than Rayquaza ? Mewtwo, of course. The most iconic Legendary of all of the licensed Pokémon will return with 2 Mega-Developments top gun . In the form X he wins the type of Combat , 375 attack points and nearly 5500 PC ... its power will be immeasurable.1. Mega Mewtwo Y
There, it's hard to imagine that this Pokémon can come out with stats as absurd . Type Psy-pure, Mega-Mewtwo Y could reach 5700 PC , and almost 400 attack points. Even without the benefit of type, it will be viable in almost all the raids that you do.fanart share Funny Mama
First-time Evolutions on Pokemon GB
In the games of the main series, the Primo-Evolutions work in exactly the same way as Mega-Evolutions. As we said earlier, Niantic has a habit of simplifying things for Pokémon GB. The two Primary Developments will be, therefore, most probably related to the Mega from the output of the latter. And they will hurt.Primo Groudon
Primo Groudon gains the type Fire most of its Ground type. According to the data-miners, it may also exceed the 5000 PC , or even the 5200 PC. With more than 330 points of attack and 250 defence, he may even become the best Pokémon in the game.Why ? Because in addition to their statistics pharamineuses, new Developments earn a attack exclusive . And these attacks are in the source code of the game for years. For Groudon, this attack exclusive is called Blade Pangéenne . It is a charged attack at a bar, type of Soil, which is 99,41 DPS (damage per second). You can't see what this represents ? And you should know that it is the biggest damage of the game just behind the Flying Press attack (signature of Brutalibré). It is an attack far more powerful than an Aura Sphere or a Hydro Blast, for example.
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Primo Kyogre
We will not, we repeat, Primo-Kyogre has exactly the same stats as Groudon . Let us simply note that it keeps its Water pure.The attack signature Primo Kyogre is called the Original sound Wave. Here, too, it has exactly the same stats as Blade Pangéenne.
These monsters of power can they get out in the current state ? Probably not, they are much too strong. But on the other hand, it is a little the principle of Mega-Evolution to make a Pokémon is far too powerful of a momentary. It remains only to wait and we will see !
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