Pathfinder - Fall of the plague heart: the review

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The plot
The adventurous novices have joined a caravan that is crossing the Aspodell Mountains by cutting for a little-used secondary road which will take them to Almas, the capital of Andoran. It is a difficult and barren path, a tiring journey, but also the only option for all those who try to avoid the attentions of the military nation of Cheliax.The journey was not without its pitfalls and heroes gladly seize the opportunity to rest in the small town of Capriccio di Etran, even though this proves to be very hospitable right away. In a matter of hours their quiet is interrupted by a grotesque murder and they, suspected of the crime, are forced to collaborate with the investigations, discovering that the grumpy village is much darker than they had initially imagined.
Without flowing into the spoiler territory, the adventure unfolds with a series of intriguing evolutions, but without ever offering particularly complex implications. Being conceived for a group of adventurers who have just embarked on the path of heroic life, Caduta di Cuor della Piaga does not offer breathtaking literary turns, those would be a little confused for beginners, rather it offers a rundown of the possibilities offered by Pathfinder. Even the most bizarre ones.
The Manual
The adventure is presented in a dossier column of 64 pages , the classic format of the cover is flexible and has accompanied the adventures prefabricated from the Nineties to today. If the exterior does not impress particularly, the inside pages are far more juicy, and full of powerful content.there Are detailed maps with grids for movement and references to the text, just photocopy them/enlarge them to have a game field ready for the thumbnails. More in general, every picture is represented with great skill, the more each page is fully colored . As a whole, therefore, the Fall of the Heart of the Plague as it is eye-catching, offering a visual experience that is perfectly in line with the standard that you would expect from a Pathfinder.
Also the formatting of the text takes advantage of the decennial experience of the Paizo Publishing : tricks of the trade are applied with sobriety and wit. The significant use of titolini, the staining of paragraphs narrative, the formatting of the panes with the tips, are all elements of editorial easily identifiable and quick usability. A first quick read is sufficient to take the vision of the framework generic and to embark directly in the adventure. In addition to the character sheets, you don't need further preparations.
Game suitable for...
the Fall of the Heart of the Plague aims without too many half-measures to offer to newbies who are players or Game Master, the first adventure with which to test every possible element of the game. In this sense, the product is unbeatable, and explains in detail the many nuances offered by the GdR focusing on a series of missions that can be exploited even by a group that is heterogeneous and uncoordinated.Scenes of action, investigation and social are alternated in a balanced way, so that all tastes can be satisfied and that all classes can prove to be useful. The inclusive experience ensures that the title is a perfect test bed for a new company of players, even if only to understand if the style of the game is in line with the preferences of the group.
The plot pushes, the collaboration between the characters without forcing it too much, with ease, ensuring that that may also be transformed into a binding narrative to lead a campaign wide and diverse. The presence of the exclusive representative, the opponents of the adventure goes also to compensate for one of the few missteps perpetrated by the basic manual, i.e. the lack of practical examples on how to configure and balance non-player characters.