Paper Mario: The Origami King, the collectible items

Each Kingdom is divided into various areas, and each of them contains many collectible elements: from the beginning of the adventure, by opening the pause menu, it is possible to know the exact number. Both those found and those still to be collected. Although sometimes it is necessary to find them to continue, most of the time they represent totally secondary objectives: although the player does not have the obligation to look for them, trying to find them is very pleasant. Not only for simple "completism", but also for the ingenious way in which they are hidden, which requires not so much skill, as ability for observation (and ingenuity). Each area contains a number of Toads (transformed into origami, therefore to be saved), of hidden "Blocks?", Of Strange Tears to be repaired, and of Treasures to be collected. The latter can be admired - even the most questionable ones - inside the museum in Borgo Toad.
Before examining these elements in detail, we would like to reaffirm their strength at a structural level: summing up the concept, the big difference between a collectible object that improves a game and one that simply fills it, lies precisely in the way in which their research enriches - or flattens - level design. Those of Paper Mario: The Origami King fall without a shadow of a doubt in the first type.
Toad and "Blocks ?"
there is No doubt that the hidden element more significant than the adventure are the Toad . The practical utility of them, except the rare moments in which are needed to progress the story, is weak: help Mario during combat, but you can finish the game without asking for any relief fungal. However, are the ones that most highlight the level design of the work, in particular of the sections that is not directly related to the "main quest".The poor Toad were transformed into origami, but it is not known precisely, such as: according to the setting in which you find yourself, you'll have to pay attention to every detail. Sometimes a Toad can be the origami of a grasshopper jumping, maybe on a flower meadow (take it/or mercilessly with a hammer). Other times it can be wedged between two surfaces (the surfaces get closer, and get that down). Still others can be rolled up and closed to the cylinder (like a pipe): for dropping it takes two or three blows of a hammer. Once we found one in full view, in the form of a sticker applied to the wall, and it was so clear - unlike the others - that we spent several minutes to find it. In short, it is not particularly complicated to understand how to get them back Toad: the authentic difficulty is in identifying them. In this regard, several tools come to the rescue of Mario: the most important are a visual signal which is activated in the vicinity of a Toad, and a vibration that intensifies approaching. While similar, between the two instruments there is a difference: the first indicates generally that there is no is a fungus, while the second - which, however, can be discharged - it is much more accurate, and, above all, to sift the Toad house to the view. Those buried in a field of wheat, for example.
The "Block ?" hidden, but to the contrary of the Toad, the trading less interesting. They are both secrets that containers of secrets: sometimes contain coins, other times of the power-ups, but in some cases can hide the Toad, and, above all, of the Treasures. Find them is quite redundant, sometimes even trivial. Often are invisible blocks too discounted to find, because inside of a combination in which - obviously - there is a missing item. Despite our criticisms, Intelligent Systems has, however, made a right choice, and rational, even in this case: just because you see well, some of the Blocks indicate the presence, nearby, of a hidden path . And that, on the contrary, it is often difficult - and enjoyable - to find. In this circumstance, in practice, the level design leaves enriched.
Tears Strambi and Treasures
The Tears Weirdos are so important in the determination of the pace of the adventure, and in directing exploration, which consider simple collectible is an understatement. These holes should be covered with confetti - which can be obtained in various ways, but primarily by defeating enemies - and the bigger they are the more you need, in short, are fundamental in the scan the time of the game . Many times it is impossible to progress without a fix.Every Tear Wacky is counted as "hidden" from the menu, but between them there is a big difference. As we said, some are great, and prevent the continuation of the main story. Then there are a number of other, smaller, locations barely visible, and, above all, rather "infamous": in other words, it is possible to reach them with the due amount of confetti, it is necessary to defeat more than one enemy along the way. Are at the same time, the collectibles and the most important, because in terms of game design are the section of the score, and those with less interest in enhancing the child elements of the areas.
The Treasures to visually represent the pinnacle of the hidden objects. Are models, polygonal, well-presented, as it happened - to a greater extent - with the Trophies of the old Super Smash Bros. once found, you can see - and turn - by visiting the Museum in the city of the Village Toad. To avoid misunderstandings, it could confuse you to compare it to Super Smash Bros., all of the statuettes found in the world of The Origami King. Some of them are hidden inside the Blocks ?", but their most important function, being the trading graphically the most prestigious, is to promote the deepening of the mini-games and, more in general, the secondary activities. Each one of them, beating a record or just reaching a goal, gives a Trophy.
The final quality of Paper Mario: The Origami King is greater than the sum of the individual components. A big importance in this result have the collectible , which do not simply passively increase the duration of the adventure, but it dose the pace (the Tears of the Weirdos), they make the most of the level design is not tied to the main quest (the Toad), is a disincentive to the deepening of the mini-games (the Treasures) and suggest the presence of hidden paths (Blocks ?). Once again, Intelligent Systems has been working in affinity to his own name.