Paper Mario: The Origami King: check a penis-shaped object among the collectibles

The object in question is called Desert Tower and appears in the area of the Scorching Sandpaper Desert. Seen inside the game the tower is completely innocent: it is an oblong building with a Toad-shaped roof, which stands in a purple desert. Unfortunately, once isolated and placed on a pedestal in the collectibles menu, it takes on a not too veiled phallic shape. If we add the number 69, the sexual reference becomes even more evident.
It is not the first time that sexual allusions appear in a Paper Mario, always very light in reality. After all, it is the most anarchic mini series among those with Mario as the protagonist, so the developers are likely to take some more freedom with jokes.
If you want more information about the game, read our review of Paper Mario: The Origami King.