One night I dreamed of New York, review: life on the other side of the ocean

Before going into this first work, to better understand the novel it is necessary to remember that the author, Piero Armenti, is a well-known figure in the social world, from which he tells his New York experience through a popular Facebook page, My Trip to New York. Starting from a country in the Italian province, Piero chose to feed that dream that has always fascinated him, even taking risks: he really went to New York. Not before he launched himself to the discovery of Venezuela, where he lived for several years, and became foreign correspondent for some Italian newspapers.
One night I dreamed of New York: a trip to the most loved metropolis in the world
What for many is a holiday, for Piero it has become home, the goal of a demanding and often demanding journey, but which this tenacious boy has faced with determination and irony, coming to conquer the right to consider himself New Yorker. Becoming a tour operator after obtaining the necessary license (not a little feat, in New York), Armenti has become a follow-up urban explorer, thanks to his deep knowledge of the American metropolis, which led him to discover incredibly fascinating albeit little-known places.on a Daily basis, Piero Herds, the exhibition glimpses of New York , dispenses advice on how to live in the Big Apple and has become a reference point for italians who want to live an experience in new york. With its fun approach to horse between ironic and poetic, Piero tells ‘ his ’ New York , choosing an approach that is outside often from the places famous and well known thanks to the film industry or literature, such as the Empire State Building or the Statue of Liberty , preferring to enhance the human impact and emotional, not hiding even the excesses and the contradictions of a society from so many souls as the american one.
A choice that Piero Herds raised in his book, One night I dreamed of New York. It would have been easy to write a diary of a journey in the city that never sleeps is restricted to be a simple theatre of a human life, but the Herd managed to keep faith in what the title promises: New York is a co-protagonist alive and present its history. Rather than focusing on the architecture and on the familiarity with the most famous buildings of the Big Apple, Piero Armenti addresses unlike his journey in the american metropolis, leaving in the background the visual impact preference for a narrative and emotional, based on the people they encounter, and a confrontation of mentality is amazing.
And it is the luck of One night, I dreamed of New York . For those who have never had the opportunity to deal directly with the american company, the idea of the united States, it is full of inaccuracies and ‘ heard ’, often born from the illusion that television series and movies can convey the soul of this nation. Cleverly, Piero Armenti focuses the reader's attention on little known aspects, related to the first, complex moments of the arrival in New York.
In every page of A night I dreamed of New York shines through his emotional perception in one's personal relationship with new yorkers, who seem to live in a separate world, even in areas with less urban of the States. With a writing slide and felt, Piero makes us empathize with this enterprising young man leaves the safety of the family to realize a dream, giving up is also a love and strong only the desire to try something different.
A new way of telling New York
To thrill, while reading, is writing a genuine and simple of Herds that becomes a great emotional between story and reader. The meetings, the first difficulties and the clash of mentalities are rendered with particular involvement. Thanks to the story of Piero we can get to know some unforgettable characters such as lady Rosetta , the advocate, Valentine's day or the beautiful Gina , placing them within a dynamic social incredible by our standards, but that One night I dreamed of New York city makes it alive and credible.Reading the first adventure in new york Herds , in fact, we brought in a world that seems very distant from our daily lives. But this sense of disorientation is the echo of the sensations experienced by Piero Armenti , who arrive on the page without any filter, shared with the readers thanks to an honesty disarming. You might expect that Cattle want to emphasize only the positive aspects of his side of the story, chooses instead to establish an honest relationship with the reader, not concealing his difficulties, the disappointments and regrets. There are moments in which the distance is felt, or the thoughts shared with the parents on the phone, which are found in the book helping to give more color and authenticity to this stay in new york.
One night I dreamed of New York city has all the charm of a story heard, and the result of a direct experience of the author, but also shows some minor weakness on the part of Herds . Some of the dialogues, which, although could be happened actually, they look artificial, the missing of that spontaneity which is admirably present in a great part of the book, transparent also from some of the choices of words not in line with the confidential tone of the story. To be clear, are minor details that do not deprive One night I dreamed of New York, of her beauty, the result mainly of the be authentic of Piero Armenti , a characteristic clearly evident in the way in which he tells the story with equal passion and honesty, success and failures.
Value-added is not indifferent is the you have entered a sort of guide to the history of the fund volume. Every place or point of interest quoted by Oxen appears a list, where it is given the location in New York, creating a sort of itinerary for prospective visitors of this incredible and booming metropolis. A last call, by Piero Armenti, to take courage and bite the Big Apple to savor it until the very last bite.