Microsoft, neural network and T-Oled for the camera under the display

The company explains how with a particular type of transparency applied to the display , combined with artificial intelligence algorithms, a photograph can be obtained that has nothing to envy to that captured by a classic sensor positioned in a notch or in a hole.
There are various companies such as Oppo, Xiaomi , TCL who are looking for a practical solution to achieve this result but, currently, no smartphone on the market integrates it. Companies are not even able to tell us which of their next devices will boast such technology.
Instead, Microsoft has thought of combining two aspects that according to her are fundamental to achieve this goal: an Oled display that becomes a T-Oled (T stands for transparent) in the section where the front camera is located and artificial intelligence algorithms that "retouch" the photo in real time to give us an optimal final result.
The idea is already at the basis of Oled display with the fingerprint sensor under the panel. If we take the display in hand as a single component, at the point where the finger is to be positioned it can be seen through, clearly not clearly.
It is clear that a display - or part of it - cannot be made completely transparent, the pixels must be there and cannot be hidden. Fortunately, the research is paying off and Microsoft has identified that the distortion always occurs in the same ways, so that the "tweaks" to be applied can always be roughly the same.
Finally, all the theory is applied to the practice with concrete results that Microsoft shows us, obviously for now they are examples made in the laboratory.
in The first pic, let's see how a camera in a display T-Oled display to capture a photo of a poorly defined, mixed, and devoid of a details good enough.
In the second photo you can see how the first is correct by the algorithms based on neural network, U-Net, so to be compared to a captured by a sensor, classic, positioned in a hole or in a notch.
in Short, Microsoft test us and illustrates for us a valid solution to finally be able to bring the technology on the mass market. Notwithstanding there are also other companies that are patenting, which will be the most used? In 2021, we will certainly have the answer, maybe with Surface 2 Duo .
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