Maxwell's Daemons, the trailer presents the scientific FPS of the University of Sassari

Maxwell's Daemons, the trailer presents the scientific FPS of the University of Sassari
The trailer for Maxwell's Daemons presents this interesting scientific background FPS created by three chemistry researchers from the University of Sassari: Alberto Maria Pintus, Andrea Gabrieli and Federico Pazzona. The game, in a short time, managed to attract a good number of onlookers on Reddit and to attract the attention of the Automaton site. Maxwell's Daemons is currently looking for funds on Kickstarter.

In case you want to participate in the fundraising, Maxwell's Daemons has raised more than 5,000 euros out of the 35,000 requested at this time. At this address you can find the campaign: there are still 18 days before the end of the Kickstarter campaign.

The idea of ​​Maxwell's Daemons was born in early 2019. Research in Italy is conditioned by the chronic scarcity of funds, and pursuing an academic career often requires you to emigrate. Since the three researchers had decided to stay on their land, the head of their research team encouraged them to come up with a different way to continue their scientific work.

"We decided to take everything we we have learned over the years and to turn it into something accessible, something that everyone can experience, "says Pintus. "And video games can also be a valuable aid in teaching chemistry and physics."

"We noticed," explains Pazzona - that many educational gaming are devoid of attention to graphics and game dynamics. So we thought we'd create one that was a real adventure, with a setting, rich, and precise atmosphere. Immersing himself in the world of Maxwell's Daemons to acquire in a way that is completely intuitive, many scientific concepts of the basis, simply because you will see in the work. In addition, a voice guide accompanies the player during the mission, explaining things in a manner that is captivating. Our idea is that, beyond some basic knowledge that you will gain from the start, everyone can decide on the level of scientific elaboration of the experience of the game."

The objective is to reach to 35 thousand euro, so as to bring out the game on Steam in 2021 .

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